Eleni Zevgaridou
Lincoln, United Kingdom
On demand
“Nomatei” is a monument to the unacknowledged people. It identifies differences of characters, advocates diversity, and eliminates hierarchies and social positions. Nomatei is a ‘minument’ to human nature and to the thesis that everyone holds an important role in society. It offers space to frailty, to the seemingly insignificant and the often bewildered. The mode of working, sketching in three dimensions, emphasizes body language and poise, over detail, arguing that the whole body is as eloquent as a portrait of each one of us. The scale and presentation balance collectivity and solitude. We exist as ourselves but also through others. For this reason, we might consider them not to be separate pieces but one collective piece of work, a form of human society. All sitters are people from my local community.
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