Luka Chohu
Jos, Nigeria
28" X 28"
On demand
“How Time Flies” (2 pcs.) is an abstract piece of a sunrise and a sunset. For me it’s an example of how different days go. Some days, when I am in the spirit and I am working on something that is giving me joy, I don’t want the sun to go down. I feel sad when it is setting and then I feel joy the next day when it rises again. But there are other days when you wish the sun would set. Maybe what you’re working on isn’t working. You just wish the day would be over. For me, this piece is a reminder that definitely we will continue to have both kinds. It’s a fact that we will have days that we just don’t want to be a part of. But even on those days this piece is also a reminder that no condition is permanent. There will be another day when I am begging that sun not to go down yet. It was beautiful and I need a few more minutes!
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