SORiaN ArT by Sorin Cretu
Montreal, Canada
40" X 30"
This painting is telling the story of the birth of self, woven by the hands of earth and fed by drops from the well of sky.
The hands are emerging from the incarnating power of the sustaining ground. Its will is its anchoring solidity.
The well of sky personifies man's perpetual goal of fulfillment and excellence.
The humans’ eternal aim for fulfillment means that, even from conception, humans are brought into being with an outspread wing flying towards their fulfillment.
Nevertheless, the man remains shattered between his skies and its ground, schizoid between his faceless, shivering darkness and his ever unfinished look, but yet full of expression and grace beyond all its schisms.
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Ali AlEzzi
so beautiful
2021-01-11 15:06:28
SORiaN ArT by Sorin Cretu
Birth of self, oil on canvas, 30''*40'', 2015, by SORiaN
2016-08-25 08:54:30
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