Two mysterious figures in black stand motionless before a large window. Are they contemplating life’s meaning or just waiting for a pizza delivery? The endless blue sky with a few lazy clouds adds to the cinematic atmosphere.
Between them, a lone potted plant—perhaps the only one privy to their secrets—sits on a small table. The mint-green walls and lavender floor create a surreal contrast, as if the decorator couldn’t decide between “modern” and “grandma’s vintage.” Floral-patterned sofas add to the scene’s odd yet oddly harmonious feel.
Dutch acrylic paints by Amsterdam and Italian fine-grained canvas by Unico were used. The finish is satin varnish, and the edges are painted in the background color. Part of the Life in Avatar series, this painting is created on a pre-stretched canvas on a wooden frame. It is carefully packed in a cardboard box with layers of bubble wrap. The artwork is signed and accompanied by a certificate of authenticity.
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