jangaiah polepogu
Hyderabad, India
48" X 48"
Échange accepté
Certificat d'authenticité
30000 RsPKR
Conseuently a reproduation , as well as making its own refernces to the image of its original,becomes itself the reference point for other images.the meaning of an image is ahnged according to what one sees immediately beside it or what comes immediately aftter it. Such authority as it retains, is distributed over the whole context in which it oppears.
Because works of art reproduoible, they can,theoretically , be used by any body, yet mostly.in art books, magazines, films or within gilt frames in living- rooms reproductions are still used to bolster the illusion that nothing has changed, that art,which its unique undimenished authority, justifies most other formes of authority, that art makes inequality seem moble and hierarchies seem theilling for example, the whole concept of the national cultural the present social system and its priorities. But sometimes individuls use them differetly.
My idea developed it doing this work my one of the famous artist “Marshal duchamps” work famous breded moutached reproduotion of the monalisa is a puzzlc whose sevniks solution it perhaps meant to explain the in adding the imire than dada a hack an high art. Its political seter. My perfection here my idea rerodcation of he “jeff koons “ sculptur showing in london musium. It is very popular very important sculptuer images. Theer dimention forms I converto two dimantion the two dimantion form changing a new colours me shows as couple I am shownas male and female.
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Ali AlEzzi
2021-03-29 19:01:19
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