André Santos

De l'artiste
Viseu, Portugal
Catégories PeintureSculpturePhotographie
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André Santos
Tendances Viseu
Vues 1 977
I was born in Porto in 1977. I have always loved art, since I was very young ... I graduated from the Faculty of Fine Arts in Porto (sculpture). At ESAP (Escola Superior Artistica do Porto) I studied painting. Then, I did some fashion, artistic and Boudoir photography workshops. At the same time I also work in contemporary jewelery, which was one of my initial activities ...
Viseu, Portugal
580 €EUR
39.37" X 59.06"
De l'artiste
1.4k 2
Viseu, Portugal
420 €EUR
39.37" X 27.56"
De l'artiste