Christina Zoi

De l'artiste
Ioannina, Greece
Catégories Peinture
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Christina Zoi
Tendances Ioannina
Vues 783
Art has always been my passion. I didn' t do it professionaly though, it was my secret passion... I like to paint, especially using oil and tempera. The best time of the day is when I find the time for me... which is to paint whatevere I like! From flowers to portrets and scenes of the day. I live in a small town up to the mountains of central Greece. I have participated in many exhibitions in Athens, Thessaloniki, Paros and others. It was an experience that strenghtened my will to do the best I can with my paintbrush! You may contact with me by e-mail: chzoi@cc.uoi.gr or through my profile in facebook: (https://www.facebook.com/christina.zoe1) I also manage a page in facebook about art and culture: https://www.facebook.com/ChZois Other links to present my work are:http://christinazoi.simplesite.com, http://chzoi2.wix.com/art-news-ioannina, http://christinazoiartnewsioannina.blogspot.gr, VIDEOS IN YOUTUBE:https://youtu.be/qAqdbxllVHc, https://youtu.be/pVmuPy0zb28, https://youtu.be/iMzxrneG93I, https://youtu.be/kZPNGn8_3Ic, https://youtu.be/tbOK5jQNO6U, https://youtu.be/TZdxBfOplQs, https://youtu.be/uBIurVFQwsU, https://youtu.be/OH-_0rU_DyQ, ON TALENTHOUSE: https://www.talenthouse.com/christina-zoi
Ioannina, Greece
50" X 35"
De l'artiste
397 2
Ioannina, Greece
850 €EUR
80" X 60"
De l'artiste